A common chronic condition

Peripheral neuropathy is a common disorder affecting 20 million Americans1, that occurs when there is damage to the bodily system that transmits information between the brain and every other part of the body.

Over 100 different types of this disease have been identified, and symptoms can include:

  • numbness
  • tingling
  • prickling sensations
  • pain

The loss of sensation associated with this chronic condition can lead to issues with slow-healing foot and leg wounds.

of diabetics have nerve damage
Peripheral Neuropathy icon
member suffering from peripheral neuropathy
peripheral neuropathy illustration
On the left is what a healthy nerve looks like, on the right is what a nerve damaged by peripheral neuropathy looks like.

Peripheral Neuropathy Impact

This chronic condition is associated with a 20% increase in healthcare costs, and those costs increase over time2. Those suffering from this disease have a 16x increased chance they will experience a lower-limb amputation. In addition, this chronic condition increases fall risk and opioid use3.

Biomedix Xchange & Peripheral Neuropathy

Biomedix Xchange LogoThe Biomedix Xchange population health management platform enables the ability to identify multiple chronic conditions in patient populations. Featuring an integrated technology stack, we offer a number of devices which can be used to identify this chronic disease.

We have carefully chosen best-in-class diagnostic devices to be hosted  on our technology stack and feature the NeuroMetrix DPNCheck with seamless integration, enabling the diagnosis and care planning for multiple chronic conditions in a single patient record.