1 in 6 adults aged 65 or older are affected by depression1. This behavioral health condition is a significant driver of direct healthcare costs.
Things such as diet, insecure living conditions or loneliness can exacerbate depression, and lead patients to make poor lifestyle choices that negatively impact their health and wellbeing.

Reports indicate that less than 0.5% of Medicare recipients are screened for depression2. The average annual cost to care for a Medicare-aged patient with depression is 1.87 times someone that doesn’t have depression3.
Biomedix Xchange and depression screening
The Biomedix Xchange population health management platform is a web-based solution designed to enable value-based care organizations to coordinate care through an integrated technology stack structured to identify multiple chronic conditions and behavioral health information, and encapsulate that information into a single patient encounter.
1 https://www.cms.gov/About-CMS/Agency-Information/OMH/Downloads/OMH_Dwnld-DataSnapshot-Depression.pdf
3 Alexandre PK, Hwang S, Roth KB, Gallo JJ, Eaton WW. Costs of depression from claims data for Medicare recipients in a population-based sample. Journal of Health and Human Services Administration. 2016;39(1):72–94