The Chart Review service from Biomedix involves a data specialist leveraging your EMR to identify patients for PADnet testing. Our Chart Review steps are as follows:
- Customer provides access to a computer with access to their EMR, via remote access software
- We run a report in your EMR to identify existing patients with primary indications which are reimbursable for PADnet testing
- We also run a report that identifies patients with risk factors for PADnet testing
- We organize the data
- We remove any patients that have already been tested with your PADnet in the last year
- We send you a list of patients with primary indications and risk factors
The process is fully HIPAA-compliant, and if there are any concerns, we are happy to get a BAA in place if we don’t already have one.
After we do the data pull and return the list of patients to your team, you can then schedule them for reimbursable PADnet studies. We will provide a talk track that will assist your team in making those calls.
This is a great way to begin quickly getting the most out of the device, improving patient outcomes while providing early detection of a disease that carries a 30%, 5-year mortality rate.
Remember, all that’s required of you is to simply provide access to a computer at your location that can access your EMR, and a short phone call to go over the results.