PADnet qualifies for reimbursement under the following noninvasive physiologic study CPT codes:
  • 93922 – limited arterial study
  • 93923 – multi-level arterial study
  • 93924 – post-exercise “stress” arterial study

What patients qualify for reimbursement?

Patients presenting with primary indications such as claudication or slow-healing ulcers in the lower extremities. For more, see our section on primary indications.

Is the ABI independently reimbursable?

Although the ABI is clinically valuable, the ABI by itself is considered to be part of the physical examination and not separately reimbursable.

Has the technology been reviewed for reimbursement?

A Medicare Administrative Contractor has reviewed PADnet and confirmed that it is reimbursable for CPT codes 93922, 93923, and 93924.

What is the reimbursement for these codes?

Reimbursement for these codes depends on a number of factors, including modifiers applied to the codes, in addition to the geographic area where the testing was performed. We do provide a schedule upon request, but note that individual payors may have different policies, and may reimburse different amounts than those published on the fee schedule.

Who can perform the test to qualify for reimbursement?

Typically, most of our customers have the doctor order the test, and then the medical assistant performs the test. Based on location, the area’s Local Coverage Determination may require physician supervision. This is something that Biomedix can help you address, if you are considering PADnet.

Current Procedural Terminology (CPT®) is copyright 1966, 1970, 1973, 1977, 1981, 1983-2019 by the American Medical Association. All rights reserved.  CPT is a registered trademark of the American Medical Association (AMA).  CPT codes and their descriptions do not reflect or guarantee coverage or payment. Just because a CPT code exists, payment for the service it describes is not guaranteed. Coverage and payment policies of governmental and private payers vary from time to time and for different areas of the country. Questions regarding coverage and payment by a payer should be directed to that payer.  Collaborative Care Diagnostics, LLC does not claim responsibility for any consequences or liability attributable to the use of any information, guidance, or advice contained on this website.