An article published in FierceHealthcare highlighted the epidemic of peripheral artery disease (PAD), and specifically how it impacts communities of color.
The article, written by Foluso Fakorede, M.D. of Cardiovascular Solutions of Central Mississippi, and is focused on preventing some of the roughly 200,000 non-traumatic amputations that occur in the US each year.
Dr. Fakorede highlighted the fact that racial minorities have the highest amputation risk due to PAD. He also highlighted the research that shows that diabetic African-Americans are three times more likely to have their limbs amputated.
African-Americans aren’t the only ones to suffer these disparities as well, with Hispanics being 75% more likely to lose a limb, and Native Americans having double the non-traumatic limb amputation risk.
The benefits of screening and follow-ups was highlighted, citing research that these activities can reduce PAD-related amputations by 90%.

Source: Fakorede, Foluso, Industry Voices—Too many minorities are experiencing unnecessary leg amputations, FierceHealthcare