New Case Study Available: PAD Risk Identification & Stratification In An Institutional Environment

Biomedix had the opportunity to support a PAD screening initiative at a large Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF). The SNF consisted of a variety of residents, including long-term care, short-term rehabilitation and recovery, and a dementia unit. This screening program was coordinated with MIMIT, making a nationally recognized vascular specialist group Read more…

Social Deprivation

Social Deprivation Increases Risk of Chronic Diseases Such as PAD For Diabetics

A recent study published in Diabetes Care highlighted the relationship between social deprivation and the incidence of diabetes-related foot disease, including lower-extremity amputation, peripheral artery disease, and peripheral neuropathy. This population-based retrospective cohort used data from 2005 through 2019, analyzing the presence of disease based on a quintile analysis through Read more…

Obese Man

Study finds that obesity may increase the risk of developing peripheral artery disease

A new study which was published in the Journal of the American Heart Association, found that obese people had a higher prevalence of Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD).  Although the American Heart Association has released scientific statements describing obesity as an independent risk factor for CVD (cardiovascular disease), including CHD (coronary Read more…